PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA (contact) and privacy policy



Legal notice and information on the conditions of use of the website

In compliance with the duty of information stipulated in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL , as owner of the website WWW.HACKERCAR.COM    states:


  1. Identification data:




  • CIF: B88191994


  • Registered office: Calle Hermanos Lumière, 11 -PARQUE TECNOLÓGICO DE ÁLAVA, CP 01510, Vitoria-Gasteiz.


  • Email: /


  • Registration data in the Commercial Registry: VOLUME: 38158 BOOK: GENERAL COMPANIES FOLIO: 31 SECTION 8 PAGE: M-679033



This information establishes and regulates the conditions of use, the limitations of liability and the obligations of the users of the Web page published under the domain name WWW.HACKERCAR.COM assume and undertake to respect. In any case, acceptance of the legal notice does not imply the establishment of a contractual relationship between the USER and the CONTROLLER of the website, nor will it affect the one they had previously had. Regarding the proper use of the website, all the information contained will be subject to the rights, duties and obligations established by current legislation at any time, as well as those established in this legal notice.


2. Definitions

  • “Page”, domain HACKERCAR.COM , which is made available to Internet Users.


  • “User”, natural or legal person who uses or browses the Page.


  • “Content” means the pages that make up the entire domain WWW.HACKERCAR.COM , which comprise the information and services that GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL makes available to Internet Users. They contain messages, texts, photographs, graphics, icons, logos, technology, links, textures, drawings, sound and/or image files, recordings, software, appearance, graphic design and source codes and, in general, any kind of material contained on the Page.


  • “Web”, a technical term describing the system of access to information via the Internet, which is configured by means of pages created with HTML or similar language, and programming mechanisms such as Java, JavaScript , PHP, or others, etc. These pages designed and published under an Internet domain name are the result of the information that the owner makes available to Internet Users.


  • “Hyperlink”, a technique by which a User can navigate through different pages of the Web, or the Internet, with a simple click on the text, icon, button or indicator that contains the link.


  • “Cookies”, a technical means for “traceability” and monitoring of navigation on websites. These are small text files that are written to the User’s computer. This method has implications for privacy, so GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL will promptly and reliably notify of their use at the time they are implemented on the Page.


 3. Users / Terms of use

WWW.HACKERCAR.COM website attributes the condition of USER, who accepts, from said access and/or use, the present terms of use, without reservations of each and every one of the clauses and general conditions included in the Legal Notice.

If the User does not agree with the clauses and conditions of use of this Legal Notice, he/she shall refrain from using the Page.


4. Use of the website

WWW.HACKERCAR.COM provides access to articles, information and data (hereinafter, “THE CONTENTS”) owned by GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL . The USER assumes responsibility for the use of the website.

Some pages of the website ( WWW.HACKERCAR.COM ) may allow participation through comments, and in such case any user may send texts through the form established for that purpose. By sending such texts, by clicking on the corresponding link, THE USER undertakes and agrees to make appropriate use of the content that WWW.HACKERCAR.COM offers through its website, and not to use them for:


  • engage in activities that are illicit, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order.


  • disseminate content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, illegal pornographic nature, in support of terrorism or in violation of human rights.


  • cause damage to the physical and logical systems of ( HACKERCAR.COM ), its suppliers or third parties, introduce or spread computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that may cause the aforementioned damage.


  • attempt to access and, where appropriate, use the email accounts of other users and modify or manipulate their messages.


  • In short, to respect the applicable legislation, generally accepted morality and good practices, public order and these general conditions of access and use.


To this end, THE USER undertakes and agrees NOT to use any of the Contents for purposes or effects that are illegal, prohibited in the Legal Notice or by current legislation, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that in any way may damage, render useless, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of the Contents, computer equipment or documents, files and all kinds of content stored on any computer equipment owned or contracted by GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL , other Users or any Internet user (hardware and software).


THE USER undertakes and agrees not to transmit, distribute or make available to third parties any type of material contained on the Page, such as information, texts, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, software, logos, brands, icons, technology, photographs, software, links, graphic design and source codes, or any other material to which he or she may have access as a User of the Page, without this enumeration being limiting.


Likewise, in accordance with all of the above, THE USER may not:


  • Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or otherwise publicly communicate, transform or modify the Contents, unless you have the written and explicit authorization of GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL , which is the owner of the corresponding rights, or where this is legally permitted.


  • Delete, manipulate or in any way alter the copyright and other identifying data of the reservation of rights of GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL or its owners, the fingerprints and/or digital identifiers, or any other technical means established for their recognition.


  • The User must refrain from obtaining or even attempting to obtain the Contents using means or procedures other than those which, depending on the case, have been made available for this purpose or have been indicated for this purpose on the Web pages where the Contents are found or, in general, those which are normally used on the Internet for this purpose, provided that they do not entail a risk of damage or disablement of the Page and/or the Contents.

5.  Privacy Policy. Data Protection


CYBENTIA MOBILITY AND CYBERSECURITY GROUP SL is aware of the importance of data protection, as well as the privacy of THE USER and therefore, has implemented a data processing policy aimed at providing maximum security in the use and collection of data, guaranteeing compliance with the current regulations on the matter and configuring said policy as one of the basic pillars in the lines of action of the entity. Therefore, GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL , insists on the mandatory reading of its Privacy Policy : WWW.HACKERCAR.COM 


  1. Hyperlinks


As a service to our visitors, our website may include hyperlinks to other sites that are not operated or controlled by GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL . Therefore, CYBENTIA MOBILITY AND CYBERSECURITY SL GROUP , does not guarantee, nor is it responsible for, the legality, reliability, usefulness, truthfulness and timeliness of the content of such websites or their privacy practices. Please, before providing your personal information to these websites other than WWW.HACKERCAR.COM, keep in mind that their privacy practices may differ from ours.


Likewise, those persons who intend to establish hyperlinks between their Web page and ours ( WWW.HACKERCAR.COM ) must observe and comply with the following conditions:


  • Prior authorization will not be necessary when the Hyperlink only allows access to the home page, but may not reproduce it in any way. Any other form of Hyperlink will require express and unequivocal written authorization from GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL ,


  • No “frames” will be created with the Web pages or on the Web pages of GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL .


  • No false, inaccurate or offensive statements or indications will be made about GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL, its directors, employees or collaborators, or the persons who are related to the Page for any reason, or the Users of the Page, or the Contents supplied.


  • It will not be declared or implied that GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL has authorized the Hyperlink or that it has supervised or assumed in any way the Contents offered or made available on the Web page on which the Hyperlink is established.


  • The Web page on which the Hyperlink is established may only contain what is strictly necessary to identify the destination of the Hyperlink.


  • The Web page on which the Hyperlink is established will not contain information or content that is illegal, contrary to morality and generally accepted good customs and public order, nor will it contain content that is contrary to any third party rights.


  1. Modification of the Legal Notice


In order to improve the performance of the Website, GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL    reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, modifications and updates to the information contained on the Website, its configuration and design and this legal notice, as well as any other specific conditions. When these specific conditions affect the USER, he/she will be duly informed, and may refrain from accepting them and the conditions in force until the contractual relationship with the owner of the Website will apply until the end of the contractual relationship with the owner of the Website. Acceptance of the Legal Notice does not entail the establishment of any commercial relationship, except for the rights, duties and obligations arising from the proper use of this Website in accordance with current legislation. All updates and/or modifications will be communicated when accessing the Website so that any USER can be aware of their scope.



  1. Intellectual / industrial property


GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL is the owner of all intellectual and industrial property rights of its website, as well as the elements contained therein (for example, images, sound, audio, video, software or texts; brands or logos, colour combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs necessary for its operation, access and use, etc.), owned by GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL or its licensors, with all rights reserved.


Any use not previously authorized by GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL will be considered a serious breach of the author’s intellectual or industrial property rights.


The USER undertakes to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights owned by GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL . The USER may view the elements of the website and even print, copy and store them on the hard drive of his/her computer or any other physical medium provided that it is solely and exclusively for his/her personal and private use. The USER must refrain from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protection device or security system installed on the pages of GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL.


All trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs of any kind that appear on the Page are the property of GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL or, where appropriate, of third parties that have authorized their use, without it being understood that the use or access to the Portal and/or the Contents grants the User any right over the aforementioned trademarks, trade names and/or distinctive signs, and without any of the exploitation rights that exist or may exist over said Contents being understood to be transferred to the User.


Likewise, the Contents are the intellectual property of GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL , or of third parties where applicable, therefore, the Intellectual Property rights are owned by GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL or by third parties who have authorized their use, to whom the exclusive exercise of the rights of exploitation of the same in any form corresponds and, in particular, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation. The reproduction, distribution and public communication, including its method of making available, of all or part of the contents of this website, for commercial purposes, on any medium and by any technical means, without the authorization of GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL is expressly prohibited.


Unauthorized use of the information contained in this website, as well as the violation of the intellectual or industrial property rights of GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL or of third parties included in the Page that have transferred content will give rise to the legally established responsibilities.




  1. Cookies


Cookies are the technical means for “traceability” and monitoring of navigation on the Websites. They are small text files that are written to the User’s computer. This method has implications for privacy, so GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL informs that it may use cookies for the purpose of compiling statistics on the use of the website as well as to identify the User’s PC, allowing it to be recognised on subsequent visits. In any case, the user can configure their browser to not allow the use of cookies on their visits to the website .


GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL is aware of the importance of data protection, as well as the privacy of THE USER and therefore, insists on reading the Cookies Policy of our website WWW.HACKERCAR.COM 


  1. Page availability


GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL does not guarantee that there will be no interruptions or errors in accessing the Page or its Contents, or that they are up to date, although it will make its best efforts to avoid, correct or update them, where appropriate. Consequently, GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL is not responsible for damages or losses of any kind caused to THE USER due to failures or disconnections in telecommunications networks that cause the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the Portal service during or prior to the provision of the same.


GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL excludes, with the exceptions contemplated in current legislation, any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the lack of availability, continuity or quality of the operation of the Page and the Contents, to the non-fulfillment of the expectation of usefulness that users may have attributed to the Page and the Contents.


The purpose of the hyperlinks that appear on this website is exclusively to inform the user about the existence of other websites that contain information on the subject matter. These hyperlinks do not constitute any suggestion or recommendation.


GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL is also not responsible for any security errors that may occur, or for any damage that may be caused to the user’s computer system (hardware and software), or to the files or documents stored therein, as a result of:


  • The presence of a virus on the user’s computer that is used to connect to the services and content of the Website,


  • A malfunction of the browser or the use of outdated versions of the browser.


GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL is not responsible for the content of these linked pages, the operation or usefulness of the Hyperlinks or the result of these links, nor does it guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in them that may cause alterations in the computer system (hardware and software), documents or files of the user, excluding any liability for damages of any kind caused to the user for this reason.


Access to the Website does not imply any obligation on the part of GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL to monitor the absence of viruses, worms or any other harmful computer elements. In any case, it is the User’s responsibility to have the appropriate tools to detect and disinfect harmful computer programs. Therefore, GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL is not responsible for any possible security errors that may occur during the provision of the Website service, or for any possible damage that may be caused to the user’s or third party’s computer system (hardware and software), files or documents stored therein, as a result of the presence of viruses on the user’s computer used to connect to the Website’s services and content, a malfunction of the browser or the use of non-updated versions of the same.


  1. Page Quality


Given the dynamic and changing environment of the information and services provided through the Page, GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL makes its best effort, but does not guarantee the complete truthfulness, accuracy, reliability, usefulness and/or timeliness of the Contents.


The information contained in the pages that make up this Portal is for informational, advisory, educational and advertising purposes only. In no case do they offer or have the character of a binding or contractual commitment.


CYBENTIA MOBILITY AND CYBERSECURITY GROUP SL excludes all liability for any decisions that THE USER may make based on this information, as well as for any typographical errors that may be contained in the documents and graphics on the Page. The information is subject to possible periodic changes without prior notice of its content due to expansion, improvement, correction or updating of the Contents.


  1. Availability of Contents


The provision of the service of the Page and the Contents has, in principle, an indefinite duration. GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL , however, is authorized to terminate or suspend the provision of the service of the Page and/or any of the Contents at any time. When reasonably possible, GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL will give advance notice of the termination or suspension of the Page.


  1. Jurisdiction


For any questions that may arise regarding the interpretation, application and compliance with this Legal Notice, as well as any claims that may arise from its use, all parties involved are subject to current Spanish legislation to determine the competent jurisdiction in each specific case.


  1. Applicable legislation

These conditions are governed by Spanish law.


All copyrights are reserved under international intellectual property laws and treaties. Copying, reproduction or dissemination, in whole or in part, by any means is expressly prohibited.



Privacy Policy – Second Layer of the Information Principle


In accordance with the provisions of current legislation on data protection, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter, RGPD), as well as Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (hereinafter, LOPD-GDD), the user is informed in accordance with the provisions of articles 13 of the RGPD and 11 of the LOPD-GDD:




Who is responsible for processing your data?


  • CIF: B88191994
  • Address : Calle Hermanos Lumière, 11 -PARQUE TECNOLÓGICO DE ÁLAVA, CP 01510, Vitoria-Gasteiz.
  • Email: /
  • Website: HACKERCAR.COM
  • Registration data in the Commercial Registry : VOLUME: 38158 BOOK: GENERAL COMPANIES FOLIO: 31 SECTION 8 PAGE: M-679033




For what purpose will we process your personal data?



 – Maintenance of the commercial relationship and provision of the contracted service.

 – Preparation of a budget tailored to your needs.

 – Manage email communications with interested parties.

 – Carry out the company’s selection processes.

 – Management of employees and human resources of the company.

 – Sending commercial information related to our sector


How long will we have your data?


The personal data that you provide us will be kept as long as the current business relationship is maintained. However, in order to have maximum transparency with you, we inform you that the general calculations with which we work are:

  • Generic identification data (email, name, surname, telephone number, etc.): for the duration of the business relationship or until consent is revoked. In any case, they will be deleted when they are not going to be used for the purpose for which they were collected.
  • Law on Violations and Sanctions in the Social Order (obligations regarding membership, registration, deregistration, contributions, payment of salaries…); Arts. 66 et seq. General Tax Law (accounting books…): four (4) years.
  • Personal actions without special term (article 1964 Civil Code): five (5) years
  • Accounting, tax and labor (article 30 of the Commercial Code – accounting books, invoices…): six (6) years.
  • Labor: contracts, work schedule records, salary and contribution receipts, identification documents, four (4) years; in the case of reports on prevention of occupational risks, records of illnesses or accidents, contracts with prevention services, five (5) years.
  • Data subject to the Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (Article 25): ten (10) years.
  • Selection processes: two (2) years from the delivery of the curriculum
  • Likewise, given the sending of commercial information, even if the relationship between the parties is terminated, the controller will continue to retain your information for the purpose of sending newsletters related to our products and services [1]. You may always exercise the rights granted to you by current regulations by contacting us through the most convenient means for you.
  • anonymized data : no deadline


Despite the existence of these general deadlines, we inform you that we will periodically review our systems to proceed to eliminate any data that is not legally necessary.




What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?


Depending on the purposes for which our data is collected, the processing of your data is necessary:


  • Manage the commercial relationship that you have entered into and contracted with us.
    • Execution of a contract (enabled by Article 6.1.b GDPR)
    • Consent of the interested party (inhabited by article 6.1.a RGPD)


  • Preparation of a budget tailored to your needs.
    • Execution of a contract and/or pre-contractual relationship (enabled by article 6.1.b GDPR)


  • Manage email communications with interested parties.
    • Consent of the interested party (inhabited by article 6.1.a RGPD)
    • Legitimate interest (enabled by Article 6.1.f GDPR)


  • Carry out the company’s selection processes.
    • Consent of the interested party (inhabited by article 6.1.a RGPD)


  • Management of employees and internal human resources of the company
    • Contractual execution (enabled by article 6.1.b GDPR)


  • Sending commercial communications
    • Consent of the interested party (enabled by article 6.1. GDPR)
    • Consent of the interested party (enabled by article 20 LSSICE)
    • Legitimate interest (enabled by article 6.1.f GDPR and 21.2 LSSICE)


Furthermore, all data collected are necessary for the provision of the service. However, data marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. In the event that mandatory data is not provided , the person responsible will not be able to provide you with the contracted service.


Finally, we inform you that only persons over 14 years of age may provide personal data on this website. Pursuant to the LOPD and GDD, in the case of minors under 14 years of age, the consent of their parents or guardians is mandatory for us to process their personal data.


Furthermore, only persons over 18 years of age may contract our services. In the case of minors under 18 years of age, the consent of their parents or legal guardians will be mandatory for us to be able to provide the services offered, unless the minor is emancipated.






What rights do I have regarding data protection?


In accordance with the provisions of articles 13 RGPD and 11.2.c) LOPDGDD, you can exercise any of the following rights by notifying us at the postal address Calle Hermanos Lumière, 11 -PARQUE TECNOLÓGICO DE ÁLAVA,  CP 01510, Vitoria-Gasteiz. or by email to / In any case, according to current regulations, you have the following rights recognized in accordance with the contents of articles 15 to 22 RGPD and 12 to 18 LOPDGDD:


  • Right to request access to personal data relating to the interested party.


  • Right to request rectification or deletion.


  • Right to request limitation of processing.


  • Right to object to processing.


  • Right to portability.


You may request the forms to exercise your rights from the Controller, through the email address indicated in the controller’s details. Additionally, you may file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD). More information in Section VII of this document.





To which recipients will your data be communicated?


You will always be informed and, where appropriate, your express consent will be requested to transfer your personal data or make international transfers in accordance with current regulations (arts. 13.1.e) and 44 RGPD, as well as art. 11.1 and 40 LOPDGDD 3/2018). Therefore, we inform you that the third parties with whom the Controller works have their servers located within the EU, EEA or Switzerland, with appropriate security measures to guarantee adequate and confidential data processing.

Apart from the cases mentioned above and except by legal obligation, your data will not be transferred or communicated to any third party, except in the cases provided for by law or when it is strictly necessary for the provision of a service. In general terms, the data may be transferred to:

  • Technology service providers.
  • Payment service providers.
  • Courier and parcel companies.
  • Third parties or intermediaries, as service providers, who operate on our own behalf (consultants, consultants, self-employed collaborators, etc.).  
  • Third parties in charge of processing, collaborators or with a close commercial relationship with the controller for the exclusive purpose of providing our services.


Data transfers will be carried out in compliance with the strictest confidentiality, using the necessary measures, such as the signing of confidentiality agreements, or adherence to their privacy policies established on their respective websites. The User may refuse the transfer of their data to the Data Processors, by means of a written request, using any of the aforementioned means. The controller will not transfer or communicate your data to any third party, except in cases provided for by law or when the provision of a service implies the need for a contractual relationship with a Data Processor. Thus, the User accepts that some of the personal data collected may be provided to these Data Processors (payment platforms, agencies, intermediaries, etc.), when necessary for the effective performance of a contracted service or purchased product. The User also accepts that, in the event of the provision of services, these may be, in whole or in part, subcontracted to other persons or companies, who will be considered Data Processors, with whom the corresponding confidentiality agreement has been agreed, or adhered to their privacy policies, established on their respective websites. The User may refuse the transfer of their data to the Data Processors, by written request, by any of the means previously referenced.              




How did we obtain your data?


The personal data used by GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL come from the interested party himself, thus complying with the provisions of articles 13 RGPD and 11 LOPDGDD already mentioned, or from group or collaborating companies, about which you can obtain more information by writing to the email address / or at the office of the Controller at the postal address indicated in this document.



What categories of data do we handle?

The categories of personal data that are processed:


Identification data



DNI / NIE / Passport or equivalent document

Postal addresses

Email addresses



place of birth

Contact phone number (mobile/landline)


Commercial information: own and third parties


Economic data

Bank account number

Credit Card Number


Curriculum vitae

Academic data



Membership of associations or clubs


The processing of sensitive data will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of articles 9 GDPR and 9 LOPDGDD, informing the interested party in all cases about which data will be used by the controller.





  • Security measures: Users of the website of the controller are informed that the security measures, both technical and organisational, within our reach have been adopted to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised access and theft of data, and to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and quality of the information contained therein, in accordance with the provisions of current regulations on data protection. The personal data collected in the forms are processed solely by the staff of the controller or by the designated Data Processors. The Website also has SSL encryption that allows the User to securely send their personal data through the contact or registration forms on the website.


  • Confidentiality: The information provided by the User will, in all cases, be considered confidential and may not be used for purposes other than those described herein. The controller undertakes not to disclose or reveal information about the User’s claims, the reasons for the advice requested or the duration of its relationship with the User.


  • Accuracy of data: The User declares that all data provided by him/her are true and correct and undertakes to keep them updated. The User will be responsible for the accuracy of his/her data and will be the sole party responsible for any conflicts or disputes that may arise from the falsity of the data. It is important that, in order for us to keep personal data updated, the User informs the controller whenever there has been any change in the data.


  • Documentation prepared by LegalDPO ( ), based on the information provided by the Data Controller. The content complies with the regulations in force in February 2023, and may vary in accordance with legislative changes or jurisprudential criteria, with the owner being obliged to verify the validity of the regulations at all times.




We make every effort to comply with data protection regulations, as this is our most valuable asset. However, we inform you that if you believe that your rights have been violated, you may file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), located at C/ Jorge Juan, 6. 28001 – Madrid. More information about the AEPD. . Documentation prepared by LegalDPO.







For what purpose will we process your personal data?




  1. Maintenance of the commercial relationship and provision of the contracted service.


  1. Preparation of a budget tailored to your needs.


  1. Manage email communications with interested parties.


  1. Carry out the company’s selection processes.


  1. Management of employees and human resources of the company.


  1. Sending commercial information related to our sector:  ADVERTISING SERVICES


  1. Manage training activities




How long will we have your data?


The personal data that you provide us will be kept as long as the current business relationship is maintained. However, in order to have maximum transparency with you, we inform you that the general calculations with which we work are:


  • Generic identification data (email, name, surname, telephone number, etc.): for the duration of the business relationship or until consent is revoked. In any case, they will be deleted when they are not going to be used for the purpose for which they were collected.


  • Accounting, tax and labor: six (6) years.


  • Labor: ten (10) years.


  • Selection processes: two (2) years from the delivery of the curriculum


  • Likewise, given the sending of commercial information, even if the relationship between the parties is terminated, GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL will continue to retain your information in order to send newsletters related to our products and services [2]. You can always exercise the rights granted to you by current regulations by contacting us through the most convenient means for you.


Despite the existence of these general deadlines, we inform you that we will periodically review our systems to proceed to eliminate any data that is not legally necessary.




What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?


Depending on the purposes for which our data is collected, the processing of your data is necessary:


  1. Manage the commercial relationship that you have entered into and contracted with us.
    1. Execution of a contract (enabled by Article 6.1.b GDPR)
    2. Consent of the interested party (inhabited by article 6.1.a RGPD)


  1. Preparation of a budget tailored to your needs.
    1. Execution of a contract and/or pre-contractual relationship (enabled by article 6.1.b GDPR)


  1. Manage email communications with interested parties.
    1. Consent of the interested party (inhabited by article 6.1.a RGPD)
    2. Legitimate interest (enabled by Article 6.1.f GDPR)


  1. Carry out the company’s selection processes.
    1. Consent of the interested party (inhabited by article 6.1.a RGPD)


  1. Management of employees and internal human resources of the company
    1. Contractual execution (enabled by article 6.1.b GDPR)


  1. Sending commercial communications
    1. Consent of the interested party (enabled by article 6.1. GDPR)
    2. Consent of the interested party (enabled by article 20 LSSICE)
    3. Legitimate interest (enabled by Article 6.1.f GDPR)


  1. Manage training activities
    1. Execution of a contract (enabled by Article 6.1.b GDPR)
    2. Consent of the interested party (inhabited by article 6.1.a RGPD)


Likewise, all data collected are necessary for the provision of the service. However, data marked with an asterisk (*) will be mandatory. In the event that the mandatory data is not provided, GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL   will not be able to provide you with the contracted service.







What rights do I have regarding data protection?


In accordance with the provisions of articles 13 RGPD and 11.2.c) LOPDGDD, you can exercise any of the following rights by notifying us at the postal address Calle Hermanos Lumière, 11 -PARQUE TECNOLÓGICO DE ÁLAVA,  CP 01510, Vitoria-Gasteiz. or at the email address / In any case, according to current regulations, you have the following rights recognized in accordance with the contents of articles 15 to 22 RGPD and 12 to 18 LOPDGDD:


  • Right to request access to personal data relating to the interested party.


  • Right to request rectification or deletion.


  • Right to request limitation of processing.


  • Right to object to processing.


  • Right to portability.


You may request the forms to exercise your rights from the Controller, through the email address indicated in the controller’s details. Additionally, you may file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD). More information in Section VII of this document.





To which recipients will your data be communicated?


You will always be informed and, where appropriate, your express consent will be requested to transfer your personal data or carry out international transfers in accordance with current regulations (arts. 13.1.e) and 44 GDPR, as well as art. 11.1 and 40 LOPDGDD 3/2018).




How did we obtain your data?


The personal data used by GRUPO CYBENTIA MOBILITY Y CYBERSECURITY SL come from the interested party himself, thus complying with the provisions of articles 13 RGPD and 11 LOPDGDD already mentioned, or from group or collaborating companies, about which you can obtain more information by writing to the email address / or at the office of the Controller at the postal address indicated in this document.


What categories of data do we handle?

The categories of personal data that are processed:


Identification data



DNI / NIE / Passport or equivalent document

Postal addresses

Email addresses



place of birth

Contact phone number (mobile/landline)


Commercial information


Economic data

Bank account number

Credit Card Number


Curriculum vitae

Academic data



Membership of associations or clubs



The processing of sensitive data will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of articles 9 GDPR and 9 LOPDGDD, informing the interested party in all cases about which data will be used by the controller.




CYBENTIA MOBILITY AND CYBERSECURITY GROUP SL makes every effort to comply with data protection regulations, as this is our most valuable asset. However, we inform you that if you believe that your rights have been violated, you may file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), located at C/ Jorge Juan, 6. 28001 – Madrid. More information about the AEPD. . Documentation prepared by LegalDPO.